5 Best Free CMS For Poftfolio Or Your Studio's Website

  1. Indexhibit: Indexhibit is a web application used to build and maintain an archetypal, invisible website format that combines text, image, movie and sound. Site: indexhibit.org
  2. Wordpress.org: WordPress is web software you can use to create a beautiful website or blog. We like to say that WordPress is both free and priceless at the same time. Site: wordpress.org
  3. Cargo: Cargo is a web publishing CMS and community-building platform where everything, from the ever-changing visual appearance of people's personal websites, to the user interface is built around the work shared by its members. Our design philosophy is that the content is the Cargo. Site: cargocollective.com
  4. Concrete5: Concrete5 is a free open source CMS that focuses on ease of use, which makes it great for designers. Some key features include a file manager with bulk upload, drag-n-drop layout editor, and an open marketplace of add-ons. Site: concrete5.org
  5. Textpattern: Textpattern is a flexible, elegant and easy-to-use content management system. It is both free and open source. Site: textpattern.com


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